"Mandan Chieftain"

The Mandan people, in the early eighteen hundreds, were the most important and culturally developed tribe of the Upper Missouri River and northern plains area. They were hunters, especially of bison, but they also practiced horticulture and lived in dome-shaped earth covered lodges within stockaded villages. They had early contact with French traders from the north and English then American traders from the east, and acted as go-betweens to the more western tribes of the plains. Detailed records of their culture and appearance were recorded by Lewis and Clark on their epic journey to the west coast of north America in 1804-1806 and also in the extensive journals of Prince Maximilian zu Wied in 1833 as well as in the artwork of Karl Bodmer and George Catlin in 1833 and 1834. It was estimated that the Mandan population at its’ high point was approximately 3800 people. By 1833 their numbers had been reduced to approximately 1600 souls because of constant attacks by more warlike neighbors. By 1837 they had succumbed to diseases brought by the whites against which they had no resistance. Smallpox was especially devastating and by 1837 there were reportedly only 137 survivors.

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